Wait, really? You want me to Sketch Something—Daily?

No, of course not. Well. Yes, we do. But we're not going to twist your arm.

What is SomethingApp.com?

SomethingApp isn't homework. It's not a stack of newspapers you haven't read. It's not a Dentist's note reminding you to brush twice, daily (although you really should). It's actually just a randomizer with a massive repository of delicious options. It's for that graphite-warrior in the coffeeshop who whispers to the ether: "What should I draw?"—and gets an answer. It's for that 30-hour bus you took to Kalamazoo because it was cheaper than a flight. SomethingApp costs nothing, and we'll sit next to you. We'll keep you company, and we don't smell bad. Oh, and we've got endless ideas. YES. Endless. Like Niagara Falls.

It's for growing your skill, sharing it, building a fanbase, conquering the world!*

*It's not for conquering the world.